3 ways Youth Soccer Contributes to Social and Physical Well-Being
| Fun | Fair | Positive | Soccer |
When your child takes part in youth soccer and other outdoor physical activities, a window of new opportunities automatically opens for them! It provides your child with the opportunity to create social connections in real life as they encounter new kids outside of their regular social environments. As children start to gain a sense of belonging and community, they are also developing valuable social skills like self-esteem and other vital social behaviors. Fun Fair Positive Soccer has been committed for over 20 years to creating a safe, social environment for your children to grow and prosper.
In addition to combating loneliness and boosting self-esteem, youth soccer also has many other benefits to children’s overall happiness and well-being.
Playing Youth Soccer Can Help Reduce Stress and Lower Anxiety
With increasing amounts of stress and anxiety in our children, it’s vital to find simple activities to boost their confidence and well-being. With youth soccer and physical activities in general, children can distract their brains allowing for crucial moments to shift away from the craziness going on in the world, and just enjoy the activity at hand. Additionally, regular physical activity can reduce hormone levels in their bodies, making it easier to relax and un-wind in the afternoon.
Playing Sports Can Help With Mental Sharpness/Awareness
The fight to master a daily routine and learn from home in 2020 can be difficult to say the least. Unfortunately, some children fall behind when it comes to their overall cognitive development. However, youth soccer can help sharpen their decision and reasoning skills. While playing soccer, children naturally practice critical thinking and decision making, thus helping with their overall concentration. Plus, they get to have fun outside while doing it!
Playing Youth Soccer Can Help Improve Sleep
An unfortunate consequence of schools being closed and replaced with home education, is that many children tend to fall out of their normal school routines and sleeping patterns. However, regular exercise can drastically improve their sleep patterns and the quality of rest they receive. Ultimately, this has a positive effect overall on their mood and energy for the day ahead!
Safety Protocol
As Texas begins to open up, we are excited for children to be safely returning to Fun Fair Positive Soccer, because we know how important this is for kids’ mental and physical health. At FFPS, we believe that youth soccer is more than just a simple game. Our goal is always to provide a fun, fair, positive, experience in which kids have a chance to develop soccer skills, learn good sportsmanship and increase their self-confidence. CDC Youth sports outdoor safety protocol.
Click here to review our return to soccer safely COVID-19 protocol